Onboarding goodies are the best way to say “welcome aboard the company” to your new recruits, clients or partners. It is about giving new member the best possible welcome from day 1. What better way to do this than to offer them a goodies specific for his onboarding period? Make a splash with the welcome pack: goodies galore in a box or a pretty bag stamped with your company logo or a nice positive message. Thanks to these promotional welcome goodies, everyone wins: this gratifying gesture gives your new recruit pleasure and the company ensures a promising collaboration.

What is an onboarding goodies ?


Onboarding goodies are becoming an essential step in the recruitment of new employees or when building a new business relation. It is the first step towards their integration into the adventure, a key moment that defines the rest of the collaboration. A successful onboarding puts the new corporate member in favourable conditions: the corporate gift gives him or her the relational, administrative and technical keys to a good start in the project.

It is a human issue, since it adds a member to the professional “family” who can shake up habits. But it is above all a strategic issue: 33% of employees know at the end of their first week whether they will stay with the company in the long term. Hence the importance of not neglecting the welcome of your employees (they will be your first brand ambassadors!).

Trust our experience: for successful start, onboarding goodies will give your next recruits a lot of attention.

How to say “welcome” with onboarding goodies ?


Saying welcome to an onboarding means first and foremost offering them items that are essential to their daily life in the company: office supplies, stationery, connected objects, coffee mugs and other accessories stamped with the company’s logo. As you can see, onboarding and goodies go hand in hand!

With such attention, the newcomer feels warmly welcomed and integrated into the company. They are ready to invest in their mission!

Offer a welcome Onboard package to your employees


For a good onboarding, the welcome pack is a safe bet. The new employee will be surprised by the attention and will appreciate the personalised goodies that are specifically offered to welcome him/her. His or her sense of belonging to the company will start to develop as soon as he or she arrives.

It is no longer a secret that saying welcome at the onboarding stage is a key to retaining talent. The promotional item then becomes a powerful communication medium to give value to the professional relationship.

What goodies should be offered to new recruits?

With the welcome pack and its goodies, put your employees back at the heart of work the moment they arrive in the company.

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Onboarding goodies for teleworking


Teleworking has never been as widespread as it is today. Therefore, onboarding is an essential step to ensure that your new recruits feel part of a remote team. For this new work organisation, discover our welcome goodies adapted to your employees’ daily life:

  • Gourds, to keep you hydrated throughout the day.
  • Mouse pads for better wrist comfort.
  • Headsets for making business calls or working to music.

And a lot more!

    Onboarding Goodies for the office


    Working on a computer doesn’t require much space, but it does require being well equipped! Supplies, stationery, connected objects, … discover the essential goodies for the office:

    • USB flash-drives to back up important files (or less important ones).
    • Mugs to treat yourself to a coffee/tea break between two files.
    • Pens to fill in quotes, invoices and Post-its.
    • Notebooks to record and store ideas.

    And a lot more!

      Proposition cadeau entreprise, objet publicitaire, goodies
      design cadeau entreprise, objet publicitaire, goodies

      Onboarding Goodies for travel


      By car, train, plane, bike, on foot… Business trips can be part of your employees’ missions. For the less sedentary, discover a range of all-terrain goodies:

      • Hands-free kits for safe working and driving.
      • Backpacks or satchels for easy transport of equipment.
      • Backup batteries so one never runs out of computer or phone power.
      • And a lot more!

        Onboarding gifts : clothing and accessories


        To welcome your next employees and integrate them into the company from head to toe, rely on accessories and clothing, customised with your brand’s logo or message. Go for originality and say welcome as soon as onboarding with wearable goodies:

        • Caps to be worn all summer (to boost the company’s visibility even on holiday).
        • Polo shirts to wear the company colours in style.
        • Sweatshirts for a sorority-style onboarding.
        • Reusable bags or tote bags for shopping while protecting the planet.
        • Umbrellas to be protected from the weather and get to the office safely.
        • And a lot more!
          validation cadeau entreprise, objet publicitaire, goodies


          Our Swiss Customers Reviews

          Produits de qualité, contact tres sympathique et professionnel.
          Coline Cavagnoud
          Coline Cavagnoud
          Nous collaborons avec My Gift pour proposer des goodies de qualité au sein de l'Université de Genève. Nous sommes très contents des résultats et de la relation avec ce prestataire. Nous recommandons vivement. Coline, responsable de la Boutique
          Jenoe Shulepov
          Jenoe Shulepov
          Toujours un plaisir de travailler avec Amandine et toute l'équipe de My Gift...
          Pascal Kaufmann
          Pascal Kaufmann
          top quality!
          Gaëla Nanchen
          Gaëla Nanchen
          Je recommande vivement MyGift pour tous vos besoins en objets publicitaires. Leur créativité et leur engagement à fournir des produits de qualité, innovants et qui suivent la tendances ont toujours été à la hauteur de mes attentes. Avec leur équipe dévouée, MyGift est le choix parfait pour donner vie à votre marque de manière mémorable et impactante. C'est une agréable collaboration que j'entretiens avec les équipes de MyGift et ils m'ont beaucoup aidé dans de divers projets.
          Marketing Graphisoft
          Marketing Graphisoft
          Professionnelle et rapide. MyGift a su répondre à nos attentes et demandes particulières. Nous vous les recommandons !
          Bastien Laure
          Bastien Laure
          Merci pour votre service et cette belle collaboration.
          Ingrid Salazar
          Ingrid Salazar
          you can see very interesting products and they show excellent quality

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          1228 Plan-les-Ouates

          Genève, Suisse

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