Swiss promotional items agency

Goodies, tailor-made, eco-friendly gifts, textile, packaging
And the gift comes to you

MyGift, your communication agency for promotional items in Geneva. Specialist in promotional goodies, corporate gifts and business gifts for professionals located in Switzerland and French-speaking Switzerland.


Your object-based communication agency in Geneva

A new breeze is blowing in the world of promotional items in Switzerland…

MyGift is a human-scale agency ran by a professional and dynamic team based in Geneva. We share our best ideas so that your gift creates emotion and becomes a true “souvenir”.


A Swiss promotional item that reflects your company’s image

Onboarding goodies, promotional gifts … The promotional item is an excellent medium for Swiss companies. To welcome a new employee or to thank a customer, what’s better than a corporate gift? Play with emotion: create a surprise with promotional items carrying a “wow” effect.

Our goal:

•To find the promotional items that perfectly matches your brand image and your company’s values.


Trendy and innovative goodies in French-speaking Switzerland

Mixing trendy goodies and sustainable development: yes, we can! To enhance your company’s image with quality Swiss promotional items, opt for eco-responsible goodies. Offer sustainable and personalised gifts that your employees or customers will keep forever.

Our expertise:

• To offer you innovative, useful and sustainable ranges of products.. « Let’s go beyond classic items… »
• To offer you key services with unmatched reactivity and quality
• To inspire you and make you stand out with trendy items


The custom-made promotional gift

You are looking for the ideal Swiss promotional item for your company, but can’t find what you are looking for? Discover the customised goodies! C-made corporate gifts, according to your needs and the values you wish to convey. Object, visual, message: you choose the smallest details. A real customisation “à la carte”!


With MyGift, the gift comes to you!

Our collections displayed online are just a showcase of the many products we can offer. The easiest way is to contact our team in order to discuss your future project and find the most suitable promotional item/business gift that fits your needs.

Follow us on Instagram

MyGift, your communication agency for promotional items in Geneva. Specialist in promotional goodies, corporate gifts and business gifts for professionals located in Switzerland and French-speaking Switzerland.


Your object-based communication agency in Geneva

A new breeze is blowing in the world of promotional items in Switzerland…

MyGift is a human-scale agency ran by a professional and dynamic team based in Geneva. We share our best ideas so that your gift creates emotion and becomes a true “souvenir”.

Follow us on Instagram

Our range of company goodies

MyGift offers a wide range of goodies in Switzerland. Each promotional item is selected according to precise criteria: it must be trendy, C-made, sustainable and ethical..

Trendy promotional item


Trendy goodies appeal to everyone! Even better: they make a lasting impression. With their “wow” effect, they are a very effective means of communication and convey the image of a modern company in tune with new trends.

Sustainable and eco-responsible promotional item

A sustainable and eco-responsible object underlines the environmental values of a company that places eco-responsibility at the heart of its activity. No more wastefulness, just sustainable goodies that can be used every day!

Custom-made promotional item


With custom-made goodies, you stand out from the competition. You offer your employees and customers unique promotional items that make them valuable brand ambassadors.

Objet publicitaire tendance


Les goodies tendance plaisent à tout le monde ! Mieux encore : ils marquent les esprits. Avec leur effet « waouh », ils sont un moyen de communication très efficace et véhiculent l’image d’une entreprise moderne à l’écoute des nouvelles tendances.

Objet publicitaire durable et éco responsable

Un objet durable et éco-responsable souligne les valeurs environnementales d’une société qui place l’éco-responsabilité au cœur de son activité. Fini le gâchis, place aux goodies durables qui s’utilisent au quotidien !

Objet publicitaire sur mesure


Avec des goodies sur mesure, vous vous démarquez de la concurrence. Vous offrez à vos collaborateurs et clients des objets publicitaires uniques qui font d’eux de précieux ambassadeurs de marque.


Reactivity & Originality


A sustainable and eco-responsible object


Stand out from the competition








A Swiss team expert in promotional items

Experienced and innovative, our team of 3 will accompany you throughout your communication project: from the conception of the idea to the delivery of your promotional items.

Amandine NAEGELÉ

Co-Fondatrice et Responsable Développement Commercial

Delphine TOMEI

Responsable Achats

Priscilla LORIOL

Co-Fondatrice et Responsable Développement Commercial

Valentine PATURLE

Account Manager

Maria-Gabriela ARMAS

Co-Fondatrice et Graphiste


Our Swiss Customers Reviews

Produits de qualité, contact tres sympathique et professionnel.
Coline Cavagnoud
Coline Cavagnoud
Nous collaborons avec My Gift pour proposer des goodies de qualité au sein de l'Université de Genève. Nous sommes très contents des résultats et de la relation avec ce prestataire. Nous recommandons vivement. Coline, responsable de la Boutique
Jenoe Shulepov
Jenoe Shulepov
Toujours un plaisir de travailler avec Amandine et toute l'équipe de My Gift...
Pascal Kaufmann
Pascal Kaufmann
top quality!
Gaëla Nanchen
Gaëla Nanchen
Je recommande vivement MyGift pour tous vos besoins en objets publicitaires. Leur créativité et leur engagement à fournir des produits de qualité, innovants et qui suivent la tendances ont toujours été à la hauteur de mes attentes. Avec leur équipe dévouée, MyGift est le choix parfait pour donner vie à votre marque de manière mémorable et impactante. C'est une agréable collaboration que j'entretiens avec les équipes de MyGift et ils m'ont beaucoup aidé dans de divers projets.
Marketing Graphisoft
Marketing Graphisoft
Professionnelle et rapide. MyGift a su répondre à nos attentes et demandes particulières. Nous vous les recommandons !
Bastien Laure
Bastien Laure
Merci pour votre service et cette belle collaboration.
Ingrid Salazar
Ingrid Salazar
you can see very interesting products and they show excellent quality

A Swiss promotional item that reflects your company’s image

Onboarding goodies, promotional gifts … The promotional item is an excellent medium for Swiss companies. To welcome a new employee or to thank a customer, what’s better than a corporate gift? Play with emotion: create a surprise with promotional items carrying a “wow” effect.

Our goal:

•To find the promotional items that perfectly matches your brand image and your company’s values.


Trendy and innovative goodies in French-speaking Switzerland

Mixing trendy goodies and sustainable development: yes, we can! To enhance your company’s image with quality Swiss promotional items, opt for eco-responsible goodies. Offer sustainable and personalised gifts that your employees or customers will keep forever.

Our expertise:

• To offer you innovative, useful and sustainable ranges of products.. « Let’s go beyond classic items… »
• To offer you key services with unmatched reactivity and quality
• To inspire you and make you stand out with trendy items


The custom-made promotional gift

You are looking for the ideal Swiss promotional item for your company, but can’t find what you are looking for? Discover the customised goodies! C-made corporate gifts, according to your needs and the values you wish to convey. Object, visual, message: you choose the smallest details. A real customisation “à la carte”!


With MyGift, the gift comes to you!

Our collections displayed online are just a showcase of the many products we can offer. The easiest way is to contact our team in order to discuss your future project and find the most suitable promotional item/business gift that fits your needs.

Follow us on Instagram

+41 76 380 57 12

Chemin du Champ-des-Filles 36a
1228 Plan-les-Ouates

Genève, Suisse

Travaillons ensemble

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